1. Gathering Words (Jenn) We are gathered here in this beautiful place To witness the joining of Norma and Saki in marriage. They particularly wanted to invite you here Because of their love of nature And the special significance this area holds in Norma’s life. During their years together Norma and Saki have spent countless hours Enjoying the outdoors, growing closer to one another, and developing a shared reverence of the natural world And the divine. The sense of timelessness and peace That we see around us Is what they would like to share with you today. As you look out over the mountains and fields, Please take a moment for reflection and prayer To open your hearts and minds To the love and togetherness we are here to share Through this ceremony, and To remember those loved ones who are not here with us today. (Pause) 2. Opening Prayer (Sherri) Let us come into the quiet of prayer. As Norma and Saki enter into The sacred and joyous covenant of marriage, We pray that they each may find a depth of kindness, Caring, and joy through this union That will serve as a safe haven for them As they journey through their lives together. Inspired by their love, Let each of us rededicate ourselves To the loving relationships in our own lives. May we all be enriched For having shared this day with them. Amen 3. Declaration of Support (Sherri) Saki and Norma, Today we have come together To celebrate the love you have found with each other. By being here with you, Each of us is declaring our support For your decision to join together in marriage. (To guests) As families and friends, We form the community of support That surrounds Norma and Saki. Each of you, by your presence here today, Is being called upon To uphold them in honoring and loving each other. Always stand beside them, never between them. Offer them your love and support, Not your judgment. Encourage them with your kindness and love. (Jenn) Norma and Saki Would like to acknowledge their parents, Whose unconditional love, support, and nurturing Are such an essential part Of who they are today. (To parents) May you take pride in the fact That the seeds of love You have planted in Norma and Saki Will flourish in the formation Of this new family today. Let us all remember That there is nothing more important Than the love of family. [Norma and Saki approach parents and hug] 4. Marriage Address (Jenn) “Marriage is a magnificent opportunity.” It challenges us to be of one accord Without losing ourselves in one another, To recognize ourselves in one another And to admire and respect each other While walking side by side Heading in the same direction. As with all relationships, Marriage is an endless presentation of choices About how we want to be with one another. Share the gifts of your friendship, humor, Vulnerability, and kindness. Be sure to find ways each day To be the person you want the other to see. Do not just be married or in love But let your marriage be an active process Of loving each other. For example, take the time to do the simple things That will strengthen your love. (Sherri) But perhaps more important than DOING the simple thing is remembering to thank the other for that simple thing they’ve done for you. It’s these regular acts of kindness, and the appreciation of them, that will make a relationship stronger each day. Enjoy the confidence you have in each other’s love, but remember to always treat it as a special gift that you handle with care, never taking your partner’s love for granted. Norma and Saki, Your marriage will, no doubt, Be filled with surprises. Some you will welcome, While others will test the strength and flexibility of your bond. During those times, remember this day and how you came to the decision to marry. Choose something tangible that the two of you can look at during those trying times that will bring you back to this day, this moment, when your commitment to each other is strong. For instance, the item could be a photo of the majestic oak tree, which you have chosen as a symbol for your wedding. Known for its strength and endurance, the majestic oak tree slowly adds a new growth ring each year. In the same way, may your marriage slowly add rings of substance and strength to reinforce the time you spend together. Just as the oak tree springs forth anew each spring with bright green leaves, may you fill your life together with laughter, joy, and hope. The oak’s strong roots reach deep down into the earth so that it can also stretch far into the sky. In the same way, may your relationship root deeply to enable it to withstand adversity. Just as the oak provides protection for many in its branches and underneath its limbs, may your relationship provide shelter and comfort for one another in times of sorrow and hardship. Life is full of challenges, and your marriage should be a solid base upon which you can rely. The oak tree grows strong with bountiful sun and rain. Your marriage too will flourish and give you each the companionship and support you desire if you tend to it regularly, carving out moments to be together, listening to one another, and showing each other you care with small, thoughtful gestures. The oak tree undergoes changes each year as leaves fall and acorns are produced. Similarly, you too will experience changes together. May they help you grow in your relationship so that you experience a full and productive marriage. Whether the two of you are experiencing challenging times or joyful moments, remember the oak tree and allow it to bring you to this place, this time where the seeds of your commitment to actively love each other for the rest of your lives has been planted. 5. Wedding Vows Norma, I choose you to be my lifelong partner. I offer myself completely to you and promise to be faithful and at your side, honoring and loving you each and every day, now and forever, wherever our life may lead us. [Norma chose a different vow] 6. Ring Prelude (Jenn) These rings are symbols of the love That joins your spirits. They are engraved with oak leaves and acorns. In your dealings with one another May you exhibit qualities symbolized by the oak tree behind us: Connection to family, strength and loyalty. 7. Ring Exchange Norma/Saki, I give you this ring As a token and pledge of my love for you. 8. Friendship Circle (Sherri) Norma and Saki have expressed The importance of actively involving all of us In their celebration today. So, we are going to share a ritual, The Friendship Circle, That originated in the Quaker tradition. (Jenn) Anyone who wishes may share their thoughts or feelings About Norma and Saki Joining their lives together. You may want to offer them your blessing Or to share a story about them, Or a reading you find fitting. Whatever comes forward is fine. 9. Final Blessing (Sherri) Norma and Saki, I wish you the courage To keep your hearts open to each other For the rest of your lives, And to cherish the love you share. May you continue to find joy in each other And in being together. May your love forever sustain you and keep you strong. I now pronounce you husband and wife. (kiss) 10. Benediction (Jenn) May your feet be firmly planted in the earth. May the air you breathe be sweet and fresh. May your lives flow together like two streams into a river. May the flame of life burn strong within you and in us all.